What investment options are available in the CTA 403(b)?

The CTA 403(b) plan offers two primary investment tracks:


For retirement investors seeking a low-maintenance investment strategy, the do-it-for-me option features BlackRock's target date funds.

These funds automatically adjust their mix of investments based on a specific target retirement date, becoming more conservative as the date approaches. This option is excellent for educators who have limited investment knowledge and want a hassle-free approach to investing. 

On the "Investment Selection" page of the online enrollment, an appropriate LifePath fund is automatically selected based on the date of birth provided. More than 90% of educators choose this option.


Alternatively, for educators who prefer to choose their own investments, the program provides low-cost individual funds from Vanguard, BlackRock, and Pimco to build and maintain their asset allocation. 

This option allows for custom asset allocation.

NOTE: In either case, CTA charges the same low flat fee for our services.

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