OMNI Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA)

SRA Instructions

Visit page. 

  • Select "CA" in the state dropdown and start typing the first few letters of your employer's name in the "Employer Name" field.
    Once your employer shows up below the text field, select it and click/tap the "GO" button. 

  • Select "403(b) Online SRA Submissions option and click/tap "Let's begin!" button.
  • Fill out the Employee Information section. 
    NOTE: Leave "There is a financial advisor/representative associated with this transaction" checkbox unchecked. No one is making a commission on the CTA 403(b). 

  • Select "Recurring Contributions" option.

  • Select "403" or "403 Roth" option under "PLAN TYPE". 
    NOTE: "403 Roth" option will show only for districts that approved Roth contributions.

  • Select "California Teachers Association (CTA)" or "ROTH - California Teachers Assoc. (CTA)" under "INVESTMENT PROVIDER".

  • "ACCOUNT #" is not required so you can leave it blank.

  • Select today's date in the "EFFECTIVE DATE" field.

  • Enter either a dollar amount in the "$" field or the percentage in the "%" field (if available for your district).
    NOTE: If you select the percentage amount, you will be asked to supply your yearly salary and the number of pay periods per year. Once you provide that information and click "Recalculate" button, you will be presented with a dollar amount that will be deducted from your check each pay period. 
  • Re-enter your social security number at the bottom of the screen and click "Continue"

    If everything is correct, you will see the "Submission Confirmation" page. You are done!

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